7.30 a.m
my parent and I reached ABM (Abdullah Badawi's Mansion??)
haha...no la, it's Akademi Binaan Malaysia...
we then proceed to block C as instructed by the ABM security guard...
after a long and boring queue, I managed to check in at the temporarily counter set up by the Petronas officer's and moved to my "hotel" room at around 8 .45 a.m.

oops not this one...
is this one ...
8.45 a.m.
In the room, I came to know two boys from St.Joseph, Cyril and Jonathan which were going to be my roommates for this camp...
I accompanied Cyril and Jonathan to the canteen hall to have some food as somebody told us that breakfast was provided there, at first I expected the food to be something delicious like...

but what I found serving there was nasi lemak, packed in polystyrene box ...
haiz... luckily I had my breakfast (kolo mee XD) before I came so I didn't ate those nasi lemak...
9.30 a.m.
We went to the auditorium for the open ceremony of the camp which started at around 10 am...
The damn boring-and-long open ceremony lasted for about 2 hours...
first was the opening speech by the invited guest from Petronas company(forget the name as I was so sleepy in the air-conditioned room and didn't really pay attention) followed by two briefing about the Petronas sponsorship and UTP ( University Teknologi Petronas aka U TIPU)...
12.00 p.m.
We were given a short break to have our lunch and also say bye bye to our parents before the next event start...
started to feel hungry...
I rushed to the dining hall to have my lunch...
hoping that this time they will serve me something delicious to fill up my empty stomach...
BUT to my despite, they gave me curry chicken served in polystyrene box again...
swt... =.=
12.45 p.m.
after having the "delicious" lunch, we went back to the auditorium for another briefing about the Educamp schedule and the test & interview that we gonna face,
The test schedule for Educamp 2009:
12th April
Personality Test - 8.00 - 8.45 p.m.
Sc and Mx Test - 9.00- 10.00 p.m.
13th April(candidates will be divided into two session to sit for the test and interview)
Session 1 (Group A and B)
Interview - morning
English Placement Test (EPT aka English Pro-ness Test) and Critical Reasoning Test (CRT) - afternoon
Session 2 (Group C and D)
EPT and CTR - morning
Interview- afternoon
1.30 p.m.
we were dismissed to our own hostel to have a tea break and some rest before having the ice breaking activities at 3.00 p.m.
swt... as what I expected already... it's spicy stuff again.... mihun goreng pedas.... zzz
so one of my Sabah friend ( just know them a few hours ago but I forgot their names paiseh =x) came and asked me:
Friend: eh sarawak produce chilli one ah??
Me: err... no why you say so?? we do produce pepper...
Friend: then why every meal they serve here is spicy??
after "enjoying" the spicy food, we went back to our hostel to have some rest as we were all kinda tried already after sitting in the hall for a few hours and listening to the boring brief....
so Cyril and Jonathan slept on their bed so soundly that they didn't realize that someone was taking their sleeping photograph silently while pretending to sleep...

3.30 p.m.
after preparing ourselves... we went back to the auditorium for the next event...
The Ice Breaking Event....
so we were divided into 5 groups... each group (consist of 24 members) was lead by a facilitator to a room to carry out the activities....
each of us were then given a piece of A4 paper and were instructed to draw our self portrait on that piece of paper...

but after we finished drawing....
the facilitator collected our drawing and arranged them randomly... we're asked to select one of them but not our own one....
next we gonna try to figure out to whom our drawing belong to and ask some personal info about them...
their name, nicks, previous school, hobby , favourite food and dream occupation....
the facilitator collected our drawing and arranged them randomly... we're asked to select one of them but not our own one....
next we gonna try to figure out to whom our drawing belong to and ask some personal info about them...
their name, nicks, previous school, hobby , favourite food and dream occupation....
luckily I got a girl's portrait with a long hair...
yea easy one for me...
as there were only four girls in the room...
two Malay girl wearing tudung...
one Chinese with short hair and another with long hair....
obvious right??
so the session went on when every one had found their portrait's owner and gather their info...
then we're asked to introduce our partner to the rest of the members...
so cut the part short...
it was interesting as the QnA part makes a lot of fun.....
finished with this part, we then moved on to group activities...
each of us were given a motorcycle diagram with the parts labeled and functions given and each of us were require to choose one of the part which we feel that it's the most important part...
so I chose the brake....
and here goes the war of motorcycle as we gonna come out with the decision that which is the most important part in the motorcycle...
at first our leader who had chosen the wheel claimed that his part is the most important as a motorcycle can't move without a wheel...
but he was debated back as the "fuel tank" girl claimed that a motorcycle also can't moved without a fuel tank....
then "tyre" who was a friend of the "wheel" claimed that it still CAN be moved as bicycle also does not requires fuel to move...

and then the "carburetor" claims that he is important also as he is the place that the fuel mix with the air for combustion of engine...
KNN how can I lose?
so the "brake" boy stands out for his right and asked them that how do they suppose to stop their bike if it doesn't have a brake...
you wanna long piak ah?
so they debated me back that they could use their legs instead...

then it's the "seat" turn....
she said that the seat is crucial as we can't ride a bike without it...
I think she should take a look at these pictures...
she said that the seat is crucial as we can't ride a bike without it...
I think she should take a look at these pictures...

haha... so at the end of the discussion...
we finally came out with the decision that the kick-starter is the most important part as you couldn't "kick-start" your bike without it....
we thought it's the end of it but the facilitator suddenly told us that we have to chose another part that is the least important...
so I proposed that the "seat" is the least important and should be eliminated...
however some of them thinks that the "speedometer" is the least important as we could use our sixth-sense to feel the speed...
after some discussion, we finally decided that every part in the bike is the important...
so we told the facilitator so, but she told us that we MUST choose the least important part to be eliminated...
so having no choice and living in a country of democracy... we decided to use our goverment's method, "vote-selection" and finally the winner is "speedometer" who get elliminated... (I actually support that guy...sad T.T)
but the most annoying part is, at the of the session, the facilitator told us that actually we shouldn't eliminate anyone in our team...
KNN... I thought you are the one telling us to do so and keep forcing us to make the decision...
5.00 p.m.
so after we had "ice-breaked" ourselve, we were given time to had our dinner again before the exam starts at night...
WTF?? this time I was totally angry as they served me spicy food again...
so I decided to take a snap and let you all look at what I actually have there...
grr.. curry chicken rice again...
after waiting for about 30 minutes, we were given the case study of this session: "Advertisement"
in a group of four, each of us were given a different topic regarding the case study and require to prepare a 10 minutes script in half an hour...
so all of us focused ourselves on our part and scribble out our script in the A4 paper provided...
after that,we were brought to the waiting room where individual interview will be carried out...
as the lucky sequence number 3, I waited patiently outside the room while watching my group mate when into the interview room...
the two of them took about 10 minutes to present their task...
when it's my turn, I go to the interview room, knocked the door, say good morning and sit down when the interviewer asked me to do so
(yea I finally did it, actually feeling pretty sad as I fail to do so during my JPA interview T.T)
after self-introduction, I just blah blah blah presenting my part, and the interviewers just staring at me like concentrating on my speech,
about 10 minutes of presenting (kinda exhausting), I finished my part safely,
no M16, no shooting question on me...
@ @
Then, we were called into the room again for group interview,
we're required to come out with a conclusion regarding the best way to solve the problem,
so after 20 minutes of group discussion, I summarizes all the points given by my group mate and present a long summarized conclusion to the panel...
we were dismissed after this and all of us were feeling satisfied for our performance...
so that's the end of my interview for Petronas Sponsorship, simple, short and nothing much to say xD
11.30 a.m.
having lunch again, ah... really don't feel like eating it that time but what to do?? am I going to go for the examination in empty stomach??
swt... nevermind la last one already, just eat it and I will get myself some good stuff to eat once I go back home later...
rest again after lunch, sleeping... Zzz... Zzz... Zzz
2.00 p.m.
the tests begin!
1st is EPT, so JunWei the English Noobie was afraid as he thought the question might be hard and can't be understood by him...
phew... luckily it's just some grammar question that require us to choose the correct form of word to fill in the space in a paragraph... just testing your English understanding actually...
followed by part one of CRT (the hardest one... sigh)
In the test,we were required to read passages and then determine whether the statements given is true, flase or unknown... seems easy right??
but the problem is, you are required to answer 60 question in 30 minutes....
imagine you gonna read about 12 passages and then answer the 60 questions in just 30 minutes...
let me do some calcuation for you:
if u take about 2 minutes to read a passage, you will probably spent 12x 2 = 24 minutes on reading...
which means... you got....
6 minutes / 60 to answer each question or 6 seconds per question...
ohw ya forgot to calculate the time taken to read the question, a fast one probably take 5 seconds to read it I guess, so its one question per second...
can anyone tell me how on earth you could probably think rasionally in one seconds??
*Ting* TIMES UP before you could answer me...
the answer is NO...
but luckily for this part of Crazy Reasoning Test... I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world...
as the question sheet I got is filled with ANSWERS...
oh ya forgot to tell you they actually use the recycled question which they had used last year, they will ask you not to write anything on it but somehow some candidates get too nervous and forget about it,
so the lucky me with the help of the unknown previous-Educamper's answers manage to finish it on time!
haha... don't be jealous la... I know I'm lucky haha
haha continue on the part 2 of CRT test, its diagramatic question,
but most probably if you are smart enough you will be able to notice the tricks in some of the questions,
basically you will be given 5 diagram and ask you to guess the 6th one
1st diagram is a square
2nd is a triangle
3rd is a circle
4th is a rectangle
5th is a square again
some of the answer will be shown in the 2nd diagram...
so be smart and fast as you have only 20 minutes to answer 40 of the questions which gets tougher as you do
(similar to the ASEAN scholarship test I sat before just that the ASEAN one is harder than this and they don't give tips in their question >.<)
after the exam, everyone of us feel relieved as its all over, but we are required to fill in the feed back form before we went home.... so I put average for most of the things in the camp but a bad for the food there (actually I wanna put terrible for it but there is no such column there for me to do so =.=) asking about my opinion about the most interesting thing in the camp, I put a "-" for it as that time I can't think of anything to fill in but somehow I was unlucky as one of the facilitator walk past me and SAW it... so he started the conversation with me:
Facilatator: wa, you don't find anything interesting in this camp??
Me: It's just mainly test and interview...
Facilatator: *stunted* yea very honest.. I like it...
Me:*in my heart* LoL he likes me??
5.00 p.m.

we finally came out with the decision that the kick-starter is the most important part as you couldn't "kick-start" your bike without it....
we thought it's the end of it but the facilitator suddenly told us that we have to chose another part that is the least important...
so I proposed that the "seat" is the least important and should be eliminated...
however some of them thinks that the "speedometer" is the least important as we could use our sixth-sense to feel the speed...
after some discussion, we finally decided that every part in the bike is the important...
so we told the facilitator so, but she told us that we MUST choose the least important part to be eliminated...
so having no choice and living in a country of democracy... we decided to use our goverment's method, "vote-selection" and finally the winner is "speedometer" who get elliminated... (I actually support that guy...sad T.T)
but the most annoying part is, at the of the session, the facilitator told us that actually we shouldn't eliminate anyone in our team...
KNN... I thought you are the one telling us to do so and keep forcing us to make the decision...
5.00 p.m.
so after we had "ice-breaked" ourselve, we were given time to had our dinner again before the exam starts at night...
WTF?? this time I was totally angry as they served me spicy food again...
so I decided to take a snap and let you all look at what I actually have there...

nah.. See the curry packed in the plastic??
swt do you think this is environmental friendly??
I know Petronas produces plastic but you don't have to be lidat lar...zzz
and please...
next time please serve me WHITE rice.... I don't want berwarna-warni one!
oops I forgot... no more NEXT time....
after dinner I went back to my hostel to take a bath...
when I notice this on my hostel wall...
lol, WTF? do you dare live at this f*cking place?

lol... speechless....
so we rest again in our room when Cyril suddenly called me while pointing on the wall...
he say he noticed something interesting...
lol, did you noticed it? the two switch is actually linked?? I wonder how do they supply electricity to the user?? or it's just a trick done by Petronas to test our observation?? hmm... *wondering*
9.00 a.m.
we were called to the preparing room...
swt do you think this is environmental friendly??
I know Petronas produces plastic but you don't have to be lidat lar...zzz
and please...
next time please serve me WHITE rice.... I don't want berwarna-warni one!
oops I forgot... no more NEXT time....
after dinner I went back to my hostel to take a bath...
when I notice this on my hostel wall...

and underneath it I see this...

lol... speechless....
so we rest again in our room when Cyril suddenly called me while pointing on the wall...
he say he noticed something interesting...

7.30 p.m.
going to the auditorium to sit for the two exam... nothing much to say here...
the first part is personality test which requires me to arrange my interest according to the statements from the "most like me" to " the least like me"
than its the Sc & Mx test, however as I am offered accounting course, I only sit for the Mx test...
overall the Mx test is under SPM syllabus so there's nothing hard...
it's just that most of us had totally forgotten what we learn in secondary school as we already pressed the "delete" button after SPM so some of them didn't did it well...
10.15 p.m.
finished the exam and when back to bed...take another bath as we had been sweating through out the exam although we had it in the air-conditioned auditorium....
ohw ya... forget to introduce the toilet of our "hotel"
here is it... TA LA

place that I wash my face and brush my teeth
the toilet's main core, looks as smelly as it is with the spoil flush and the "gold"
the showering place... my special spot

the new skill I learned there... to hang your cloth without hangers xDgoing to the auditorium to sit for the two exam... nothing much to say here...
the first part is personality test which requires me to arrange my interest according to the statements from the "most like me" to " the least like me"
than its the Sc & Mx test, however as I am offered accounting course, I only sit for the Mx test...
overall the Mx test is under SPM syllabus so there's nothing hard...
it's just that most of us had totally forgotten what we learn in secondary school as we already pressed the "delete" button after SPM so some of them didn't did it well...
10.15 p.m.
finished the exam and when back to bed...take another bath as we had been sweating through out the exam although we had it in the air-conditioned auditorium....
ohw ya... forget to introduce the toilet of our "hotel"
here is it... TA LA

place that I wash my face and brush my teeth

so after bathing, everyone went to bed and sleep as we were all extremely tired after sitting for the exam using our brain that had been left rusted for the past three month...
6.30 a.m.
I woke up as I 'm going to had my interview at 8.00 a.m.
the air is so cool and nice to sleep because of the heavy downpour last night, actually I still feel sleepy but the d*mn alarm forced me to wake myself up...
do after preparing myself I went to have my breakfast again...
as usual again... ah get use to it liaw la... nasi goreng masak pedas...
not as spicy as the previous one... but still have chillies on it
6.30 a.m.
I woke up as I 'm going to had my interview at 8.00 a.m.
the air is so cool and nice to sleep because of the heavy downpour last night, actually I still feel sleepy but the d*mn alarm forced me to wake myself up...
do after preparing myself I went to have my breakfast again...
as usual again... ah get use to it liaw la... nasi goreng masak pedas...

8.00 a.m.
session A were called up to the interview room... while we (session B) remain waiting...
whereby session C and D were asked to go to the exam room for EPT and CRT...
so I just wait there for about one hour looking around while chatting with some of my friends there...
session A were called up to the interview room... while we (session B) remain waiting...
whereby session C and D were asked to go to the exam room for EPT and CRT...
so I just wait there for about one hour looking around while chatting with some of my friends there...
9.00 a.m.
we were called to the preparing room...
in a group of four, each of us were given a different topic regarding the case study and require to prepare a 10 minutes script in half an hour...
so all of us focused ourselves on our part and scribble out our script in the A4 paper provided...
after that,we were brought to the waiting room where individual interview will be carried out...
as the lucky sequence number 3, I waited patiently outside the room while watching my group mate when into the interview room...
the two of them took about 10 minutes to present their task...
when it's my turn, I go to the interview room, knocked the door, say good morning and sit down when the interviewer asked me to do so
(yea I finally did it, actually feeling pretty sad as I fail to do so during my JPA interview T.T)
after self-introduction, I just blah blah blah presenting my part, and the interviewers just staring at me like concentrating on my speech,
about 10 minutes of presenting (kinda exhausting), I finished my part safely,
no M16, no shooting question on me...
@ @
Then, we were called into the room again for group interview,
we're required to come out with a conclusion regarding the best way to solve the problem,
so after 20 minutes of group discussion, I summarizes all the points given by my group mate and present a long summarized conclusion to the panel...
we were dismissed after this and all of us were feeling satisfied for our performance...
so that's the end of my interview for Petronas Sponsorship, simple, short and nothing much to say xD
11.30 a.m.
having lunch again, ah... really don't feel like eating it that time but what to do?? am I going to go for the examination in empty stomach??
swt... nevermind la last one already, just eat it and I will get myself some good stuff to eat once I go back home later...
rest again after lunch, sleeping... Zzz... Zzz... Zzz
2.00 p.m.
the tests begin!
1st is EPT, so JunWei the English Noobie was afraid as he thought the question might be hard and can't be understood by him...
phew... luckily it's just some grammar question that require us to choose the correct form of word to fill in the space in a paragraph... just testing your English understanding actually...
followed by part one of CRT (the hardest one... sigh)
In the test,we were required to read passages and then determine whether the statements given is true, flase or unknown... seems easy right??
but the problem is, you are required to answer 60 question in 30 minutes....
imagine you gonna read about 12 passages and then answer the 60 questions in just 30 minutes...
let me do some calcuation for you:
if u take about 2 minutes to read a passage, you will probably spent 12x 2 = 24 minutes on reading...
which means... you got....
6 minutes / 60 to answer each question or 6 seconds per question...
ohw ya forgot to calculate the time taken to read the question, a fast one probably take 5 seconds to read it I guess, so its one question per second...
can anyone tell me how on earth you could probably think rasionally in one seconds??
*Ting* TIMES UP before you could answer me...
the answer is NO...
but luckily for this part of Crazy Reasoning Test... I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world...
as the question sheet I got is filled with ANSWERS...
oh ya forgot to tell you they actually use the recycled question which they had used last year, they will ask you not to write anything on it but somehow some candidates get too nervous and forget about it,
so the lucky me with the help of the unknown previous-Educamper's answers manage to finish it on time!
haha... don't be jealous la... I know I'm lucky haha
haha continue on the part 2 of CRT test, its diagramatic question,
but most probably if you are smart enough you will be able to notice the tricks in some of the questions,
basically you will be given 5 diagram and ask you to guess the 6th one
1st diagram is a square
2nd is a triangle
3rd is a circle
4th is a rectangle
5th is a square again
some of the answer will be shown in the 2nd diagram...
so be smart and fast as you have only 20 minutes to answer 40 of the questions which gets tougher as you do
(similar to the ASEAN scholarship test I sat before just that the ASEAN one is harder than this and they don't give tips in their question >.<)
after the exam, everyone of us feel relieved as its all over, but we are required to fill in the feed back form before we went home.... so I put average for most of the things in the camp but a bad for the food there (actually I wanna put terrible for it but there is no such column there for me to do so =.=) asking about my opinion about the most interesting thing in the camp, I put a "-" for it as that time I can't think of anything to fill in but somehow I was unlucky as one of the facilitator walk past me and SAW it... so he started the conversation with me:
Facilatator: wa, you don't find anything interesting in this camp??
Me: It's just mainly test and interview...
Facilatator: *stunted* yea very honest.. I like it...
Me:*in my heart* LoL he likes me??
5.00 p.m.

so in summary, basically the camp is kinda fun but just the food served is terrible...
here's what I've learn from the camp:
thanks to Cyril, Jonathan, and Jason too(the only Highians besides me) for accompanying me these two days...
Good luck to all those who attended this camp in securing the Petronas Sponsorship...
***sorry for the late posting as I faced some problem signing in my blog for the last few days >.<***
here's what I've learn from the camp:
- Before you wanna join a camp or any event organized by Malaysia government, PLEASE learn to eat curry, nasi lemak and other spicy food as I guaranteed they will serve that to you most probably
- Don't try to out shine yourself in any event that you are participating like telling people your academic results or asking others' results as they might think that you are bossy ( some of my friends do tell me bad words about other campers during the camp)
- try to make more friends during any events as it help to make the event interesting even tough it is actually boring and dull...
thanks to Cyril, Jonathan, and Jason too(the only Highians besides me) for accompanying me these two days...
Good luck to all those who attended this camp in securing the Petronas Sponsorship...
***sorry for the late posting as I faced some problem signing in my blog for the last few days >.<***